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Sentence Connectors - Topic Wise Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Online Topic Wise Sentence Connectors MCQ for competitive exam Practice Multiple Choice Questions for IBPS SSC Online Test Private Job Interview

11 )

Direction: In each question below four statements are given. These four statements are connected in the four options given below in each question. You have to determine in which option the four statements have been most appropriately expressed giving the full meaning of the statements and mark it as your answer.


The court’s verdict will have a bearing on other issues; the issues are the criminalization of homosexuality; the court is aware; the criminalization of the abortion rights of women

Because the issues are the criminalization of homosexuality and the criminalization of the abortion rights of women that‘s why the court‘s verdict will have a bearing on other issues
The court having been aware that the verdict will have a bearing on other issues and the criminalization of homosexuality and the criminalization of the abortion rights of women are the issues.
As the court is aware of its verdict so the bearing of verdict on other issues like the criminalization of homosexuality and the abortion rights of women.
The court is aware that its verdict will have a bearing on other issues such as the criminalization of homosexuality and the abortion rights of women.
None of these

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12 )

Direction: In each question below four statements are given. These four statements are connected in the four options given below in each question. You have to determine in which option the four statements have been most appropriately expressed giving the full meaning of the statements and mark it as your answer.


The right to privacy inheres; appear to be “amorphous”; almost all the rights and freedoms; guaranteed by the Constitution

Being appeared such ―amorphous, the right to privacy inheres in almost all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
the right to privacy may appear to be ―amorphous, but it inheres in almost all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
The right to privacy, as it appears ―amorphous, is inheres in almost all the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.
As the rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution appears to be ―amorphous and inheres these.
None of these

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13 )

Direction: In each question below four statements are given. These four statements are connected in the four options given below in each question. You have to determine in which option the four statements have been most appropriately expressed giving the full meaning of the statements and mark it as your answer.


The practices do not violate fundamental rights; deprive any section of the followers of any faith of; rights enshrined in the Constitution.; Courts and legislative bodies can be watchful to ensure

As the Constitution do not violate fundamental rights and deprive any section of the followers of any faith of rights so Courts and legislative bodies can be watchful to ensure
To ensure the practices not to be violated, courts and legislative bodies needed to be watchful, any section of the followers of any faith of rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Courts and legislative bodies can be watchful to ensure that the practices do not violate fundamental rights and deprive any section of the followers of any faith of rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Courts and legislative bodies needed to be watchful for the insurance of the practices that do not violate fundamental rights and deprive any section of the followers of any faith of rights enshrined in the Constitution.
None of these.

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14 )

Direction: In each question below four statements are given. These four statements are connected in the four options given below in each question. You have to determine in which option the four statements have been most appropriately expressed giving the full meaning of the statements and mark it as your answer.


A state occupied pride; place on industrial map of India; a state is starving for new investment; agrarian distress has been forgotten;

In view starvation of new investment and the pride of place which was on industrial map of India, Agrarian distress has been forgotten.
Agrarian distress has been forgotten and a State which once occupied pride of place on the industrial map of India is now starving for new investment.
Because the Agrarian distress has been forgotten, a State, being proud for its, place on Indian map is starving for new investment.
To forget Agrarian distress, a State which once occupied pride of place on the industrial map of India is now starving for new investment
None of these

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15 )

Direction: In each question below four statements are given. These four statements are connected in the four options given below in each question. You have to determine in which option the four statements have been most appropriately expressed giving the full meaning of the statements and mark it as your answer.


Devote all its energy; to get its house in order; to running the government effectively; the unified party would do well

) to get its house in order the unified party would do well to running the government effectively devote all its energy.
the unified party would do well to running the government effectively and to get its house in order devote all its energy
to running the government effectively and to get its house in order, the unified party would do well devote all its energy.
the unified party would do well to get its house in order and devote all its energy to running the government effectively.
None of these

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